Ron DeSantis is starting a campaign to be the next US president

  • who – Ron DeSantis
  • what – president
  • where – US
  • when – may 24
  • why – I dont know


kick off – to start

campaign – organized political action

critical thinking

the reason is probably to have a lot of power. the reason why people are supposed to run for president is for good.

Russia fires 30 cruise missiles at Ukrainian targets Ukraine says most intercepted

  • who Russia and Ukraine
  • what Russia fires 30 missiles
  • where Ukraine
  • when may 18
  • why because of the war


cruise missiles are guided missiles. normal missiles not guided

the Russian missile is called kh-47m2 Kinzhal. in english it means dagger. It can carry conventional or nuclear warheads. Costing wise in US$10 million. speed mach 13(4,420m/s; 14,500 ft/s). Mach 13 is super fast which is harder to shoot down.

critical thinking

Ukraine is a small country so how did they shoot it down? The way they shot it down is with advanced US technology

scp 4823 aka tentacle man

today im making my own scp .C:\Users\Cintiq Companion\Documents\project\SCP4823

  • grim reaper
  • he will appear out of smoke ,float, he uses a staff to make you his minion in, summon worms in your body which eat you heart and brain, after that it will turn you in to his minion, and is able to takeover the world
  • he will have a staff and he has chains, tentacles, black cloak
  • arm
  • tentacle
  • chain
  • mask
  • staff
  • cloak
  • pointer finger
  • thumb
  • middle finger
  • index finger
  • penky finger