Moral Agents

A moral agent is were someone has ethical responsibilities they know the diference between right and wrong

Adult person: Has moral agency because humans are the smartest animals on earth and this is an adult so the brain is developed.

Chimp: Does not have moral agency but they do have a bit of moral agency because they’re one of the most smart animals.

Alien: Most likely has moral agency nobody is sure if aliens exist or not but they would probably be smarter than humans so they would get moral agency. Aliens can build space ships so they are smart.

Robot: Has moral agency because it is smarter than humans due to all the knowledge we give it but it depends on its programing. For example if somone programs it to kill people it wont have moral agency because its following its programing. It would have to be an ai to have free will so if it is an ai it would have moral agency

Baby: Does not have moral agency because its brain hasn’t developt.

Raising Children Network

Guinea pig: Does not have moral agency because it’s brain is like mush big dum dum.

Dog: Does not have moral agency but sometimes they can have moral agency if its a service dog. Some dog breeds may have moral agency like border collie service dog isn’t a dog breed but it would have moral agency A Chihuahua would not have moral agency because its one of the dumbest dog breeds.

Dog | History, Domestication, Physical Traits, Breeds, & Facts | Britannica

Cat: Cats are smart but not smart enouph to have moral agency.

Tiger: Does not have moral agency due to it mainly following its natural instict.

Cheetah: Does not have moral agency because it usually doing its natural instinct.

Fly: Does not have moral agency because it is very very dumb.

Disabled person: Has moral agency due to it being very smart still.

Crazy person: Does not have moral agency because it is but sometimes it will have moral agency.

Tree: Does not have moral agency because it cant really move so… another reason why it isnt a moral agent is mainly due to it not having a brain.