
  • who Chopin. Chopin’s full name was Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin
  • what Chopin is a very very talented pianist and composer.
  • where The place Chopin died was at a apartment in Paris France. The place he was born in was Zelazowa-Wola a village 6 km away from Warsaw in Poland.
  • when Chopin lived for 1810 to 1849.
  • why The reason why Chopin died was tuberculosis of the lungs and larynx. The way he got his piano skills was tons and tons of practice.

Here is a picture of Chopin


A composer is sombody who writes music. Chopin is a very talented composer. A composer writes many tipes of music like Jazz and Classical. A composer is an artist

Tuberculosis is a very deadly sickness. Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs. the tuberculosis also afects the brain, lymph, kidney, bones, and spine.