Intro to Philosophy


Philosophy literally means Love of knowledge as taken from ancient Greek. It is usually defined in terms of its sub disciplines such as the study of knowledge itself, reality, existence, art, ethics, value, mind, language and many more.

Philosophy is a serious field of study that is taught in universities by professors. There were many famous historical Philosophers including Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, kant, and Descartes.

Some of the major fields of study are:

  • Epistemology: the study of knowledge itself.
  • Metaphysics: the study of reality.
  • Aesthetics: study of art.
  • Ethics: the study of right and wrong actions.

Critical Thinking

A better definition for Philosophy is the act of creating theories which explain phenomena and identify correct human action using reason, science, and empirical observation.

  • A good definition says what is and isnt that word.
  • Hypothesis is an explaintion that could be true or false.
  • A theory is a hypothesis that is true.
  • Philosophy is to explain what cant be explained using science.
  • A phenomena is a event or state of affairs.
  • empirical observations is your senses